Friday, March 18, 2011

It's all about perspective....

He is ornrey...

He is mischievious....

He is lazy....

He irritates his sister...

He makes messes....

Most days, he makes me want to pull out my by one....

But then I stop and look at the whole picture....

In 2 years, he will be getting ready to drive....

In 4 years, he will be getting ready to leave for college...

I notice the wonderful in him and change my perspective...

He takes care of me when I am sick...

He loves making dinner....

He laughs at my goofy jokes....

He is caring and soulful....

Every teacher says how respectful and insightful he is....

I may call him "the teenager", but he is the most amazing teenager in the world!!!!!!


  1. Whatever he made, it's looks good! I've been reminding myself about the perspective thing all week. Compared to what the people are going through in Japan, what do my minor troubles matter? Love ya!

  2. True story!! I constantly reminded of this every day I go to work : (
