Sunday, March 27, 2011

After the hurricane...comes the rainbow...

Well... another flare, another hospital, another round of steroids have come....

This has been a really rough season for me with aches, pains, injuries, and random a long hurricane with lots of turmoil and destruction... now I am waiting for my rainbow...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Wind Beneath My Wings

"Did you ever know that you're my hero?

You're everything I wish I could be.

I could fly higher than an eagle,

cause you are the wind beneath my wings...."

"Fly, fly fly high against the sky,

So high I almost touched the sky.

Thank you, thank you,

Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings."

-Bette Midler

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's all about perspective....

He is ornrey...

He is mischievious....

He is lazy....

He irritates his sister...

He makes messes....

Most days, he makes me want to pull out my by one....

But then I stop and look at the whole picture....

In 2 years, he will be getting ready to drive....

In 4 years, he will be getting ready to leave for college...

I notice the wonderful in him and change my perspective...

He takes care of me when I am sick...

He loves making dinner....

He laughs at my goofy jokes....

He is caring and soulful....

Every teacher says how respectful and insightful he is....

I may call him "the teenager", but he is the most amazing teenager in the world!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just late...

When I'm "just late"...someone is the cause.
I have a new system....whoever is the cause of making me late is charged $5. This new system has increased my days of being on time.
But if you REALLY want to break it goes something like this:

"Everyone up!" me
many grunts and moans from the princess...
"Everyone up!" me
"I AM" screams the grunts and moans from the teenager....
"Everyone up" me
"La la la la la" sings the princess as she tries on 4 different outfits....
"I AM!" screams the teenager...
During this time, I am trying to get myself ready...
As we all finally walk downstairs...somewhat dressed....
Someone (depends on the day)
"Oh, I forgot..."
This leads to me either helping someone find something, helping with homework, running to the store buying something, etc...

Once, this lead to me frantically jumping out of bed.....which I am still in a walking cast 4 1/2 weeks later.

So when I'm "just late" is MUCH more than "just late"... it is complicated, crazy, chaos :)