Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where do I fit in...

When I was in the hospital back in October, I had a doctor tell me I was a complicated jigsaw puzzle when it came to figuring me out. It think this has always been true about me with all aspects of my life. I have always tried to be simple... or tried to fit in... or even try to seem normal...

My reality is that I am far from simple or normal... I will never fit any mold or stereo type...

I'm finding these realities to be true with being a divorced, single mother that has an autoimmune disease... I have friends that could fall into so many categories. But I am very complicated because of who I am, how I handle my relationship with the ex and his girlfriend, how I want to wear my Superwoman gear, how lupus restricts my life....
I feel that I don't fit in anywhere.

Having this feeling can be consuming at times, but I see it as a blessing. This helps me be a better mother, sister, daughter, teacher, and friend. It helps me not take life too seriously. It helps me be me...

So I guess you could say if I had to pick a disease that is as complicated as I am, lupus would be it... Don't you think so???


  1. I am very sure you fit into our family but are complicated!!

  2. Simple and normal are BORING! Thanks for being you :)

  3. Hi! I just found your blog. What a strong woman you are and your kids are spitting images of you. God bless and you are in my prayers, Michele (Davison) Kalpakgian
