Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where do I fit in...

When I was in the hospital back in October, I had a doctor tell me I was a complicated jigsaw puzzle when it came to figuring me out. It think this has always been true about me with all aspects of my life. I have always tried to be simple... or tried to fit in... or even try to seem normal...

My reality is that I am far from simple or normal... I will never fit any mold or stereo type...

I'm finding these realities to be true with being a divorced, single mother that has an autoimmune disease... I have friends that could fall into so many categories. But I am very complicated because of who I am, how I handle my relationship with the ex and his girlfriend, how I want to wear my Superwoman gear, how lupus restricts my life....
I feel that I don't fit in anywhere.

Having this feeling can be consuming at times, but I see it as a blessing. This helps me be a better mother, sister, daughter, teacher, and friend. It helps me not take life too seriously. It helps me be me...

So I guess you could say if I had to pick a disease that is as complicated as I am, lupus would be it... Don't you think so???

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Momma would be proud...

to see the ladies we have become...

to have the amazing bond we have enriched...

to the traditions we have kept and began...

"My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune." Graycie Harmon

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


+I'm trying to catch up on blogs...

+I'm trying to move...

+I'm trying not to lay in bed all day...

+I'm trying to work through the pain...

+I'm trying not to cry when I walk...

+I'm trying to be strong for my children...

This is the WORST trying to get back to close to 100% I have EVER had to go through!!!!!