I talk about how I am in my own little "Keena World"...but so are my own children...well, not in my world...but in their own little worlds...
The "teenager's world":
No concept of time...
Struggles to problem solve a simple task such as go in while I'm fueling the mom van and buy 2 bags of Trolli candy...
Loses everything under the sun...
While on his itouch, he sings and plays games out loud...while his headphones are on...
Tries to boss his sister constantly...
Wants to be upper management in the house...
Every time he is asked to do something, the responses are "I'm tired" or some type of argument...
Wants to explain all strategies of his video games...
My "princess's world"
No concept of time...
Wants to please, but wants to do her own thing...
Drama, drama, drama...
When asked to do something, has resulted in modeling her brother's responses...
Does not want to clean anything up...
Has to dump everything out to view everything (and not clean it up)...
Irritates her brother, then screams/cries/whines when he gets her back...
More drama, drama, drama...
So when I'm suppose to keep my stress levels down...having 3 different worlds under one roof makes that VERY challenging for me...
I'm exhausted just reading it. You can do it!