Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29th

This day is a bitter sweet day for me...

Today is the birthday of my 1st nephew...who just turn 2 decades old. He's such a character and a stinker (even to this day)...but I love him to pieces!!!! When he was little, I used to take is get it back, he would have to give me a hug, a kiss, tell me he loves me, and tell me that I was his favorite aunt. Every time I tortured him, he would comply because he knew I would always play baseball with him or watch "Charlie Brown Christmas Special" a million times (because it was his fav.) So today is a sweet day because I celebrate his life :)

Today was the day I lost one of my closest sorority sisters...we pledged Chio and Pi Sig little sis together... She was really like a sister to me... the week before she died, she came to my apartment because her mom was really sick. I skipped class because I knew she needed to talk. She confessed that she didn't think she could handle her mom dying...she told me she wasn't as strong as I was (I had just lost my mom 5 months before the conversation)... ironicly a week later, she was killed in a car accident... her mother had to be the one who had to be strong enough...that is my bitter....

Life is full of bitter and sweet... I choose to be sweet :)

1 comment:

  1. Keena, you are an amazing person. Everyone who has ever been touched by your life is better for it, and you deserve so much sweet!!!
    I don't know how often you come back here to Rio, but next time you do check out Misty's tree in front of the library. It is supposed to be a weeping cherry, but it isn't weeping... it is reaching up to the sky, to the clouds, the stars! Every time I walk past that tree, I think of my wonderful friend and how I miss her, how I miss all of my sisters.
